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Park Rules

Park Hours:

  • 5:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.

Keep it Neat for Everyone:

  • No Littering.
  • No Dumping of Trash.
  • Promptly Dispose of or Remove all Trash, Litter, Debris.
    • Use the Trash Cans

Help Protect Our Parks:

  • No Unauthorized Motorized Vehicles.
  • No Misuse, Graffitti or Defacing of Park Facilities, Property or Signage.
  • No Athletic Cleats of Spikes.

Keep It Safe:

  • No Weapons including any Projectiles (lawn darts, etc.).
  • No Fires, Fireworks or Open Flames of any kind (including model rockets).
  • No glass containers.

Be Considerate of Others:

  • No Alcoholic Beverages, Marijuana or Illegal Drugs of Related Paraphernalia.
  • Music Shall Not to Disturb Others.
  • Park Use is on a First-Come, First Served Basis.
    • Unless Prior Reservations Have Been Made with the District.

Scoop the Poop:

  • Immediately Remove Pet Waste and Place in the Pet Refuse Containers.


  • Park Users are Personally Liable for Damage to District Property.
  • District Assumes No Liability for Injury Sustained on the Premises.


  • Report Violations to Aurora Police Department
    • 303-627-3100
    • 911
  • District Manager:
SHWMD Resolution re amended park rules (ADOPTED 03-14-2019).pdf